CRP 201-202 studios aim to introduce comprehensive planning framework to students. Comprehensive planning implementation is carried on a selected city / town within different scales of planning. These scales are generally considered as regional level, urban level, and sites of the city. At regional level, students are encouraged to identify the regional determinants, problems and opportunities available for the development of the city / town in focus; and develop visions / scenarios accordingly. In other words, students are expected to evaluate the selected city / town in its macro level context.  At urban level, based on the regional scenarios, alternative macroforms are generated for the study area. Once the urban macroform is decided, students are expected to undertake urban design at site level. All stages of this planning process are strongly related with the previous year’s Basic Design studio concepts and principles. This means, at all scales of planning, students are expected to consider order, part-whole relationship, figure-ground relationship, hierarchy, balance, etc.

Within the general framework of study mentioned above, in the first semester, preliminary analysis at regional level, scenario / framework development and settlement hierarchy at regional and city-region level and development of planning alternatives at urban level are to be undertaken.

Studies for the first semester are expected to be at 1 / 100 000 and 1 / 25 000 scales.